

Feb 11, 2024

When to use Clear Aligners? See the Treatable Cases

Clear Aligners

Your smile bothers you, but you don't want to wear fixed braces? In fact, not everyone wants to undergo conventional orthodontic treatment, with metal brackets and countless maintenance appointments — not to mention the lack of predictability, and not knowing when the use of the device will end.

But we have good news; most cases of malocclusion in teeth can be solved with invisible braces Invisalign.


In addition to being more discreet, as already mentioned, it is possible, even before starting the treatment, to predict what (and when) the final result of the treatment will be. “We use software that calculates how each tooth will move during the treatment stages. In this way, we are able to anticipate how long it will take for the client to reach the goal,” explains Dr. Daniel Bronsky, orthodontist and director of digital orthodontic planning at InvisLondon.

Another advantage is that it does not stay fixed, being possible to remove it to make meals, which makes cleaning much easier.


If you have one of the cases below, you can do for sure:

Crooked teeth

Crowding, also known as crowded teeth, happens when there is not enough space in the dental arch and the teeth end up becoming crooked or poorly positioned. The invisible aligners are indicated for cases of mild, moderate and severe crowding.

Space between teeth

Diastema is the space between teeth caused by misalignment or the loss of one or more teeth. Invisible braces correct these mild to moderate cases.

Deep bite

Also known as an overbite, the case occurs when the top teeth fully cover the bottom teeth, in the bite position. If the bite is too deep, it can cause tooth wear and jaw joint problems. The invisible aligner is also recommended for mild and moderate cases of overbite.


This case occurs when some upper teeth are fitted inside the lower ones, causing a cross bite. If it is very severe, the crossbite can cause wear on the teeth and gums, leading to bone loss and periodontal disease.

Open bite

This malocclusion refers to when the teeth do not touch in front, in a biting position. The open bite can cause problems with chewing certain foods and speaking, due to the position of the tongue.


This case happens when, in a biting position, the upper teeth are projected in relation to the lower ones, giving the impression that the chin is turned inwards.” The overjet can prevent the lips from closing and cause pain in the jaw joints”, says the orthodontist.


“Treating malocclusions in the teeth is important not only to avoid pain and other oral health problems, but also to help us have more confidence. We recently carried out a survey of more than 600 patients which showed that 66% of respondents noticed an improvement in self-confidence right after starting treatment”, says Daniel.

Another positive impact reported by 87% of users is improved oral hygiene. Daniel justifies that this occurs because patients need to brush their teeth and floss more often to always use the aligner with a clean mouth.

Disclaimer: The above is non-editorial content and Republic Media Network does not vouch, endorse or guarantee any of the above content. This should not be considered as a substitute for consulting your physician for personalised medical advice.

WHY USE CLEAR ALIGNERS?CAN I WEAR INVISIBLE ALIGNERS?Crooked teethSpace between teethDeep bite CrossbiteOpen biteOverjet“RIGHT” BITE AND SELF-ESTEEMDisclaimer: The above is non-editorial content and Republic Media Network does not vouch, endorse or guarantee any of the above content. This should not be considered as a substitute for consulting your physician for personalised medical advice.